Download portal

On this page we have consolidated all downloads of our homepage for quick access.

We have also made our product literature available on our SORG cloud as a complete download.
Just follow a link and click Download on the opening page.

Complete download

To view and edit the PDF files
we recommend the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
(to prevent possible display or memory problems).

Simply save the order forms on your computer,
directly and fax or email it to us.
Please send orders or enquiries to: or by fax to 07254-9279-10.

Order sheets |
Instructions for use |
Service booklets |
Flyer |
Spare parts catalogs | Declarations of conformity

Download packages

To view and edit the PDF files
we recommend the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
(to prevent possible display or memory problems).

Simply save the order forms on your computer,
directly and fax or email it to us.
Please send orders or enquiries to: or by fax to 07254-9279-10.

Rigid wheelchairs

Foldable wheelchairs

Tiltable wheelchairs

Dynamic wheelchairs

Standing aids




Boogie Fix and Boogie Swing

Mio & Mio Carbon (old version, before Design 2018)


Boogie Fix and Boogie Swing

Mio & Mio Carbon (old version, before Design 2018)