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Sun shade for wheelchairs

In order to protect the user in the wheelchair from too much sun, most of our wheelchairs can be fitted with a suitable high-quality sunshade. Get the most important information here.

The sun protection is available for the following models:

Also older Mio and Mio carbon models (before design 2018) can also be retrofitted with this sun protection.


Sun shade for your wheelchair

The sunshade can be mounted with a few simple steps. The flexible “gooseneck” on which the sunroof is attached, is stable and well suited to keep the roof in the desired position and can be easily and intuitively set. By the way, this sunscreen is produced especially for us and our customers, directly in Germany.


Sonnenschutz Rollstuhl gefaltet arretiertSonnenschutz für Rollstuhl

Sonnenschutz Rollstuhl Rollstuhl Sonnendach



If the roof is not needed, it can easily be closed and locked on the wheelchair. The protection can also be easily, and if desired completely (including gooseneck), removed. And just as easily it can be put back on the adapter mounted on the chair.


Sonnenschutz Rollstuhl gefaltet und arretiert











Sun shade in two sizes

Our sun protection roof is available in two sizes. But which one fits your wheelchair?

Size 1 is designed for a wheelchair seat width up to 38 cm. The size 2 then covers all other seat widths from seat width 40.

  Size 1 Size 2
  (only up to SW38) (just from SW40)
Mio Classic and Mio (Design 2018) Yes
Mio Carbon Classic and  Mio Carbon (Design 2018) Yes
Vector Yes Yes
Vector BSA Yes Yes
Jump alpha Yes
Jump beta Sport Yes Yes
Jump beta BSA Yes Yes
Mio Move Yes
Tilty Vario Yes Yes
Loop RS Yes Yes
Dynamis TSD Yes Yes
Dynamis MV Yes Yes


What body sizes are the sun roofs designed for?

The usable height depends largely on the selected back height and of course the height of the upper body (H). The flexible gooseneck of the sun shade is attached to the back and has a fixed length.The following table makes it easy to read out which maximum height can be achieved with your chosen back height. What is important here is only the maximum attainable height (H), because thanks to the flexible gooseneck, lower settings are possible at any time.


Sonnendach max. Höhen

Back height

Maximum Height (H)

Sun shade Size 1

Maximum Height (H)

Sun shade Size 2

25 65 cm 80 cm
30 70 cm 85 cm
35 75 cm 90 cm
40 80 cm 95 cm
45 85 cm 100 cm
>45 100 cm

(H = is measured from the top edge of the seat plate or seat cover up to the apex)



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